Merge PRs withConfidence

Auto-assign the right reviewers, highlight code relevant to you, and boost collaboration to ship 3x faster.

Your code never leaves your systems by design

Supported Providers:


Vibinex Demo for GitHub

Vibinex Features

PR Prioritization

PR Prioritization

Personalized Line Highlight

Personalized Line Highlight

Why Vibinex?

Quality Control

Always stay informed if someone overwrites your code.

Know your code

You should review every PR. But do you? Now you can!

Reduce noise

Not everything needs your attention, focus on what matters the most.

Stay calm and get Vibinex

Zero onboarding

Vibinex brings insights to your GitHub or Bitbucket code-review page

Data privacy

Your code and other sensitive data never leaves your infrastructure

Open source

100% transparency means 100% trust

Slack Community

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